The motto of National Service Scheme (NSS) is “not me but you”. This express the essence of democratic living and upholds need for selfless services and appreciation of another man’s point of view and also show consideration for fellow human being . It underlines the welfare of an individual is ultimately depend on the welfare of the society as a whole.

Aim of NSS
This programme is to inoculate the social welfare thoughts in the students and to provide service to their society without any prejudice. Prejudices volunteers work hard day and night to ensure that every one in our society with is needy gets every positive helps from then so that they can also enhance their standards and lead a life dignity society with all of us. In doing so, the volunteers themselves learn a lot from the people in villages like how to struggle and how to lead a happy life in the extreme scarcity of resources and so on.Another aim is to personality development of NSS volunteers through social service.


Most of government and Government Aided Institution, both schools and colleges have NSS unit comprising volunteers. Even the private Institution,are encouraged to have NSS volunteers.A unit may typically count 50-100 students.They are managed internally by a responsibility from school or college who reports to the regional NSS-Co-ordinate.

Activities to be undertaken

To meet with the aim of NSS the entire activities has been split into two parts. First regular activities and second is special camping programme.

Regular Activities: NSS volunteers generally work with village,slums and voluntary agencies to complete 120 hours of regular activities during an academic year.As per fundamental principles of National Service Scheme,a volunteer is expected to remain in constant touch with the community .Hence, it is of vital importance that a particular a village/slum is selected for implementation of NSS programme.

Special Comping Programme: Special complain form an integral part of National service Scheme. It has special appeal to youth as it provides unique opportunities to the students for group living,collective experiences sharing and interaction with community. It is organized of various development issues of National importance.

Action Plan

1.Registration of 100 students per unit as a NSS volunteer.

2.Adoption of villages.

3. Regular Activities.

4.Organization Special Camp.

5.Closing Ceremony.

6.Reporting of Activities undertaken in Regular and Special Camp Activities.